Friday, April 17, 2009

Survival of the ones who ACT fittest

Amidst all the concepts of management,stock market,product promotion,compensation,decision making etc etc a management degree teaches one important lesson for the business of life.It teaches you to understand people.Back in graduation,there was not a single day where you did not live for your friends.Wrote assignments for them,studied together,jumped with joy for good results,cancelled a party coz a friend was sad.Now its different.They say" its a mad world out there" and get a glimpse of it in Business School.I have seen a clear distinction here.Those who have come here only to learn and do it to their best with utmost sincerity.A few who love to have fun and are pure brilliant at everything and some who ACT to know everything and fake a dynamic personality.What amuses me the most is this category.Wonder what they see when they look into the mirror.Coz I think it would be nice to see something original and authentic.

Management lesson (Not by Drucker) - Learn to differentiate among people.Appreciate the hardworking ones,enjoy the company of the "fun " people and don't add on to the fan following of the so-called dynamic personlaities.
Note : That image can be interpreted in different ways.


Esse quam videri said...

I agree. Good observation.



Priya Bhutada said...
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Priya Bhutada said...

Thats very true. More than anything else, an MBA will definitely refine your people skills.
Few lessons come hard in life, but its worth it because it actually makes you closer to yourself!

yogesh patel said...

learning is everything......