Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This day that year

Do you remember the games we played in kindergarten or pre school?Those were the subtle days of "Fire in the mountain-run run run", Color color which color do u want....
All we knew was that it was time to play and thats what our friends,teachers or mamma taught us.Newspaper was something that dad read over a cup of coffee and we were asked not to speak when ma n pa watched news on DD 1.
The world has changed and please help me with a more effective word for this metamorphosis.
My six year old cousin's favourite game is to detect bombs(Beat that!!!).He has different books for Computer Science and Information Technology(Yes! Believe me).The last day in kindergarten is called "Graduation day" (n for what fun??? Does it mean I graduate like some 6 or 7 times?).

They say the world has changed for good,But i think my subtle and quite childhood which had only my friends , my dolls ,my family was so much better in many ways.I liked my protected childhood where I was not particular about Nike shoes or Wildcraft bags.I was thrilled to go to school with a new red n black pencil.In fact I loved it when my pencil had a sharper lead.

I know I wont get those days back and I also dont know if I can really compare them to others ,all I know is that my kids would know so much more than me but the innocence will be lost.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The "FAG" end

Ladies and Gentlemen! A round of applause for the Health minister , Mr.Anbumani Ramadoss for the commendable initiative he has taken.He dared to say "No more puff-stuff".He chose the best day for it too(Oct2)!!!

I am doing my part of being a responsible citizen.I stopped three men from smoking in public.i m not scared about their reaction anymore.I have the rules of my country to support me.Are u being good too?? Ask yourself......

A restaurant with a 30 seater capacity if fine with smoking.......Ahem! Ye baat kuch hazam nai hui. Dint the Health minister think about CCD and Barista?An amendment in this point will do wonders.Can u hear me?